Escape text while allowing new lines in Laravel blade

I’ve run into an issue when I wanted to print out some text escaped, while also allowing new lines to be displayed in them.

In Laravel 5 the triple curly brackets {{{ ... }}} are used to output escaped character sequences. However when you need to output text, you cannot just put nlbr() around your content, because that way the line breaks will also get escaped.

To overcome this issue, just use the {!! ... !!} syntax that lets you output unescaped content and escape it manually using the e() function. Here is an example:

{!! nl2br(e($classifiedAd->description)) !!}

Retrieve records older than a specified amount of time in Laravel

You can use the Carbon library to easily create an eloquent query that will filter the records based on a given amount of elapsed time.

Let’s see an example where clause which gives us the records that are at most 4 weeks old:


Messages::where('created_by', '>=', Carbon::now()->subWeeks(4)->toDateTimeString());

This example was tested in Laravel 5.2.

Access route parameters in a Laravel 5 Middleware

In Laravel, when you specify your routes, you can place parameters in the URL. These parameters can also be automatically mapped to Model objects.

For example, you have a root where the path looks like this: /forum/{forumModel}/edit.

If you are writing a Middleware that should check something on the request and you need to access the parameter (forumModel in our case) in the URL, you can just do this:


class SampleMiddleware {

    /* ... */

    public function handle($request, Closure $next)
        $forumModel = $request->forumModel;

        /* Do some stuff... */

        return $next($request);


That’s it, the route parameters are accessible directly from the $request object.

Laravel – cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

I have run into this issue when I was trying to configure a Laravel 5.2 application to send emails using Mailgun. I got an exception like this, when I was trying to send an email:

cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate

To solve this issue, you have to get a local certificate, and specify it’s location in the php.ini file.

Download the certificate

You can download the certificate from this url: I saved it to the root directory of my PHP installation, but it can be anywhere.

Specify the certificate’s location in php.ini

In your php.ini file, specify the location of this certificate by setting (of course, using your actual path to the certificate):

curl.cainfo = C:\Software\php-7.0.2-x86\cacert.pem

Restart Apache and you are done.

Store who created and last updated a record in Laravel 4

Laravel provides a very handy way to store who created and last updated a given row in the database. Actually there are two very similar ways you can implement this.

The basic idea is that model events allow you to perform actions when a model object is created, updated, deleted and so on.  We will use these events to perform the saving of the user who created or updated the given row.AAEAAQAAAAAAAAblAAAAJGRmY2NjYjVhLTk2MDctNGMxYi1hYmYyLWM0MTkxNjRjYWQ5OQ

1. Model events in the global scope

Using model events you can specifiy code blocks that will run in case of different events that a model object fires.


    $forum->created_by = Auth::user()->id;
    $forum->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;

    $forum->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;

You can specify these model events for example in the same php file where your model resides, but outside of the class definition.

2. Model events inside the boot function of a model

The second option is similar in effect to the first one. It works by overriding the boot function of the model and through static methods provide the functions the will run when the model object is created or updated. Here is an example of that:


class Forum extends Eloquent {


    public static function boot()

            $forum->created_by = Auth::user()->id;
            $forum->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;

            $forum->updated_by = Auth::user()->id;

You can see that when a model object is created we update both the created_by and updated_by columns, because in this case the updating event won’t fire. In case of an update to an existing record, the updating event will fire so we are specifying the code for setting the updated_by colum value there. This example assumes that you are using Laravel’s authentication metod, because we are using that to get the user who is currently logged in, and then it’s id.